Sunday, August 15, 2010

Annual Meeting: SUNDAY, AUGUST 29th.

Hello All,

It has been decided. Our annual meeting and elections will be held SUNDAY, AUGUST 29. Meeting will start at 3:00 PM at the hill followed by a BBQ. Please mark you calendars and plan to attend. Per our by laws, this is an election year and we will be voting on terms for Director, Asst. Director and Secretary/Treasurer. I will have an agenda put together in the next week. Primarily consisting of a budget review, Ski Swap planning, Elections, and hill assignments (Hill Capts., Committee Chairs). If there is a pressing topic you would like to add, let me know. I will also send out Proxies. If you absolutely can't make it (i.e. you died) please make sure someone has your proxy so we can have a quorum. I'll be in touch with some of you regarding a nominating committee.

Hope everyone's summer is going well. I look forward to seeing the gang and to winter as well since we're going to see temps in the upper 90's this week!

Think snow when appropriate,

PS Don't forget: Ski Swap is OCTOBER 30 and the OEC REFRESHER is NOV. 13 & 14.

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